I don't plan on ever "retiring" per se, at least until I am physicaly unable to do things. This won't be because of financial reasons, but really more out of interests. I do plan on moving on from the 9 to 5, but I am one of those who needs to do something and not just sit around. Yesterday about drove me nuts! It was cold as heck out and nothing was open. I went stir crazy.
My mother is on what I would call the Netflix retirement plan. She retired years ago, but from what I can tell her routine is basically watching TV at home. She is not infirm, or disabled in any way. This is her choice, but it won't be mine. Yuck!
Too much to do and see in this world. I can't sit still!
How about you?
I am hoping that once I can draw my social security I can afford to become an ex-pat and move someplace where the dollar goes a lot further than it does here in the US. Plus I will get to learn about a new culture, have new birds to watch and other things as well.