82 8

Do you believe it's unethical to eat meat?

What if someone has tried to be vegetarian or vegan, under the supervision of a dietician and became ill; would that change your opinion?
One can struggle with producing an ethical argument for killing animals yet animals kill each other to survive, with no ethical judgement.
Please provide any opinions you wish, for or against these arguments.

Athena 8 June 17

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82 comments (76 - 82)

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I believe it is unethical to inflict suffering on any living g, however if we kill livestock in a quick and painless way while raising them in humane conditions that would be a good compromise


Some kinds of meat, i think so... I wouldn't want to eat Octopus or Dolphin, they are such intelligent creatures. Most kinds of meat are rather dubious. But aside from the ethics, its so bad for the environment, raising meat consumes vast amounts of resources which might be much better left as wilderness.

Full disclosure, I'm not a vegetarian but I very rarely eat meat, perhaps once a month or less, although I eat fish a bit more frequently.

Denker Level 7 June 18, 2018

Depends on how the animal is raised. raised on a feed lot or some such and away from what their normal diet would be, crammed in together, yes. raised out on grass/herbage or some such of a normal diet for them, free to roam/range/root, whatever, no.


For me yes. For you? It's up to you, but I'd like for you to see it my way. A life of deliberate despair and doom brings me sadness.


I do not believe it's unethical. As humans we are part of the animal kingdom and we're supposed to be a part of the food chain and the "cycle of life."

Ed212 Level 4 June 18, 2018

Unethical? No.

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