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LINK Rats Enjoy Being Tickled--When They're in the Right Mood [Video] - Scientific American

My rattie boy loves being gently tickled on his belly....I never knew he was giggling! LOL

Ratties make the best little furry companions -- they are very affectionate, easily litter trained, and thrive on a fresh veggie, fruit, nut, and seed diet.

This link is so cute....but, I HATE seeing them in cages/labs. Every rattie deserves a loving home and freedom.
One day....all the cages will be empty....

SkotlandSkye 8 June 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Last year undergrad in Psy. the entire class was asked to euthanize our rats. My guy, Arnold, was the brightest of the group and I could not do it. I took him back to the dorm and he quickly became the floor pet, He would walk down the hall for popcorn and soda. At break I took ARnold home to my parents house as I needed a surgery, So loving my boy so much I found Angie to come along.
Soon after my surgery MOM is off the wall,, ARnold and Angie had a full litter and Arnold was determined to eat the kids.
Wow was I screwed , I had to catch and release the gang into the woods where they would not even last the night.

EMC2 Level 8 June 19, 2018

That's awful and totally unfair to them that you put them in that situation. First, why not get another male rat if you thought he needed a friend or get him neutered if you wanted a female. Second, anyone who has had rats knows that you separate the male from the female if the female is pregnant. I can't imagine doing what you did to your friend. I mean, seriously, a little bit of asking questions to people and you would have had answers? You could have called a vet...or a pet store...and just asked. Ugh. Double ugh. Poor Arnold.


Rats are adorable pets. I got to cuddle one of my step-niece's Rats. Just awesome.

I'm so glad you got to do that! My rattie boy is the most cuddly little guy....and he gives the best little rattie kisses 🙂 <3


Rats are amazing animals

yes they are 🙂


Rats !!!   they are just rats. piss and crap all over the place ?

Read the post. Easily litter trained. Very smart and clever. Absolutely delightful companions.

Keep them, I don't want them !

@VAL3941 Speciesism is not nice.

And they chew holes into everything, like Pitbulls !

@VAL3941 But they don't. You have preconceived notions that are false.

Think I was never young and never owned any ? May our species is different from yours ?

@VAL3941 Well, first, I don't "own" my rat. He is his own person...and that is why he is not confined to a cage and he has freedom in my home. Rats will chew...out of boredom and also out of stress. If they are happy and feel safe -- and have appropriate toys (chew sticks) and stimuli, they aren't going to chew just for the sake of chewing. The only holes my rattie has chewed in two years are a few times he crawled into a blanket and "got lost". I fixed this by giving him smaller towels and one of my fleece jackets to sleep in. I'm not sure what your wisecrack about Pit Bulls has to do with anything....but, again, dogs tend to chew out of boredom or stress....and, again, there are chew toys available.

Keep your rats, dogs, cats and whatever you want, you will not change my mind about them ? Rats are vermin, and will remain so !

@VAL3941 Here you go.


They are so smart and such great pets. ❤

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