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How many members joined this sight in anticipation of finding a relationship?

steve148 7 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I didn't know it was a dating site. I just joined to find my tribe. If it becomes a place to meet someone special, that will be a bonus.


I kept seeing ads on FB so I joined. Can't find a single other user in Colorado so I guess I'm here for the intelligent conversation.

 I didn't know this was a dating site. I just saw a lot of smart discussion, without the usual partisan screeds.

It wasn't my primary objective when I first joined. I was mainly looking to meet some like-mined individuals. However who really knows what any particular online communication can develop into long term. The options are wide open and you have to start somewhere right?


Partially - sick of people on other dating sites who don't care about politics or social injustice. Also for intelligent conversation.

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