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How Did you Discover Agnostic.Com?

How did you discover This Site? Was it on other social media,
Friends or family or simply searching the internet for non believers community?

twshield 8 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I saw an ad on Facebook


Somehow it showed up on another atheist site


I was having a discussion with friends about dating websites. They kept saying tinder isn't the way to go, my response was: " So what? Christian mingle then?". I decided to see if there was an atheist equivalent. I guess this is pretty close. ????


I think I saw it on facebook.


I was watching an old video of James Randi and decided to look up agnostic and I found it. Lucky me!


I’m sure ‘it found me’ with my facebook following of American Atheist, of which I’m a member.. I ‘clicked the link,’ assumed it was too good to be true, ignored it a few more times … till I just couldn’t help but fall in 😉

Varn Level 8 Dec 28, 2017

Facebook has an advertisement. I kept seeing it and dismissing it for 3 weeks. Then I went and tried it out. Now here I am.


I was looking for an agnostic dating site.


One of my high school friends and I are the only two amongst our friends on it that don't mention our religion. I was doing some additional agnostic/atheist things on there and found the add.


I think it was a barnacle-ad attached to Facebook. Oddly, I visit this site several times a day. Facebook? Forgotten.


By a video


Ad in Facebook


As this site is nonprofit, I am wondering how they afford all the ads on Facebook. i wonder if this site may be a hobby of Mark Zuckenberg or something or someone else or group high up in the Fcebook hierarchy....

@twshield Just for fun, I put the question of who put up and runs the site as a post.

@twshield Admin answered me. Basically just a guy with lots of money and an altruistic streak in the sense of wanting to help nonreligious persons. Basically the site is mostly just one person, with occasional help from his girlfriend and close friends.

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