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Do you like the Bee Gees?

I've started listening to their albums the last few months and have enjoyed a lot of their songs from all eras of the band's history.

What is your favorite song(s) or what song(s) are you familiar with the band?

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joeymf86 8 June 20

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'dislike' isn't strong enough. Hate the fuckers. Id rather hear finger nails down a chalk board than hear Barry sing "how deep is your Love?" As for those satin white suits..........ugh!

A kindred soul. I never saw what the attraction was and still don't. Singing in a pitch so high only dogs can properly hear it, in ghastly outfits, simpering lyrics, utter vom!


Yep! A few of their songs are downloaded to my spotify.


YES ♥ Love them.♥


Wow....freaky. I was just today talking about this very subject. I have always preferred their pre-disco work but over the last few years I have come to appreciate their disco stuff as well.

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