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Your standing at the blank white wall in your mind. What do you see?

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azzow2 9 June 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Depends upon how much sugar and caffeine I've ingested. Excuse me, it's time to hoot for the Brachiosaur young. Toodle-oo

I can seemingly be in a melancholy mood then just like a lightning strike something pops into the void in my skull.

@azzow2 Lightning strikes hurt - a lot.

@pixiedust Had one about 1 foot from my foot when I was 13 years old. Gives you a new reason to appreciate the wonders of nature.


You, Your, & You're

The complexity of courage is always fascinating to me.

@azzow2 I'm not being sarcastic when I say that I really appreciate this response!

@mattersauce Took it as a constructive response thank you.


A blank white wall .....

Pook Level 5 June 21, 2018

Is that a choice or a lifestyle? You most likely would improve a blank wall with your presences.


None fits me

Abstract, I like that the complex oddities have always thought me the best lessons.


Hmmmm..... floaters in my eye moving around.

Vertigo is common when standing up to fastly.

@azzow2 theres times I see dark peices of what looks like a strand of fuzz floating around in my vision. Doctor told me it's called floaters. They want to away.

@BucketlistBob Everyone has them some people have trouble with them. Messing with the eye is no joke. I had a sliver of metal in my eye when I was in the service. 7 doctors worked on my eye to save it I was very very fortunate.

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