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If that had been my kid or grandkid, that priest woulda found out if there was really a god a lot sooner than he expected.


Toxic religion. Hopefully the parents will dump the church..the father certainly seemed angry about it.

And who was the woman behind the priest that was trying to calm the priest down?

@Science-guy Maybe they'll all get a clue and dump the church. Surely the fear of hell isn't still controlling French people?


Well shit, that right there is a good reason not to trust religious figureheads, that and the rape, and imbezzling, and the torture, the inquisition. . . Fuck organized religion. If people need religion to keep them from doing horrible things, then those are not moral people. That's why there is so much immorality in religion. Gross, just gross.



To be honest, I find it hard to show compassion because this baby is most likely going to be as stupid and organically deficient as his parents, so to me, now the enemy is eating its own.

Wow. Tar everyone with the same brush much?


Yes, that is exactly the case.

@DZhukovin so how do you explain non believers of religions? How did they come to be?


By not believing?

@DZhukovin sorry. I don’t feed trolls. Enjoy


Isn't this straight from the Catholic School handbook for nun's and priest?

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