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There's a somewhat strange theme I'd like clarified, if at all possible...

I'm very regularly reading on here that it's "very difficult to meet people here".

I'm seriously scratching my head as to how, in a country of 330 million, it's difficult to meet people??

What methods are you trying?

What makes it so difficult?

There are 4.6 million in ALL of New Zealand. 50 000 in my town. Last town was tiny. The one before, 11 000. I don't have any problems meeting people when I want to.

Sometimes, I'm too busy.

But if I want to date, I do. If I want to meet people in a social setting, I do.

I'm not saying that I'm any great stud or social butterfly; I'm definitely not. I'm just an average guy. But it's not that difficult.....

I am genuinely perplexed as to how it seems so damn hard in the States!

Please, enlighten me. I'm a fairly astute person, but it would seem that there's something I'm clearly missing here.....

Kreig 7 Dec 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I meet a lot of people! Most of them though I just hope to never meet again.
I've kind of put myself through it spending a lot of my time so far dating losers and users and people I thought I could fix. They say that's what our 20's are for- making mistakes and learning. I took a few extra years to figure it out and now, having just fully expelled my last total dud (although I'm sure it's just a matter of time before he tries to weasle back in), I'm kind of exhausted and leary of going back into the war again.
I feel I have a better idea of what I want and need and would like to believe my "picker" has improved but I don't really remember ever saying to myself previously "gosh, I think this guy is going to use me and lie to me and wreck my world" so I have a fear that I'll find myself with the same type again, not meaning to, it's just my luck in love.
I'm not afraid of being single or even dislike it. I think I could casually date at this point but wonder if that's even worth the effort. Like I said, I'm a bit worn down from the shit I've put myself through.
But, the line is out my door and I don't feel it would be difficult to "meet" someone. I think what people mean by it being difficult, is it's difficult to find someone worth our time and energy. And those are our most precious things.


men are just not interested. I really believe there comes an age that a woman gets to where she become the third sex. Even my roommate who's a 50 year old overweight Puerto Rican said he doesn't want an old woman

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