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Have you gone to the movies lately?

I bought premium seats 2 weeks ago to see the new Jurassic park on a satureday ( today ) around 4 something. There must be 100 acres to park in and ill still have to park a 1/2 mile away just to get a parking space...grrrrr!

BucketlistBob 8 June 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Finally managed to catch Infinity War. I think it's about 30 seconds away from disappearing from the theaters. It still had a decent-sized audience for a matinee on a weekday.

vita Level 7 June 27, 2018

Dead Pool 2!


Just saw Deadpool 2. Was pretty good.


It's too expensive.

The last film I saw at the cinema was 'Alien: Resurrection'. I don't wanna know when that was.

And besides, most of what the Hollywood machine has to offer, does not interest me.


I have Movie Pass so I go every week or so. They have to be losing money off me


We still have a "Dollar Theater" in my area. It's more like a two- or three-dollar theater these days with inflation but it's still perfect for me since I don't get a chance to catch most first-run movies before they go away anyway.


Theaters are getting under my skin. The inflation, crowds and sleep inducing chairs have forced me to stay home. Even if I bought the DVD at early release, I'm saving money.


Just park your car in the theater.

Wow... where did you find this? That was the good old days.

There were several of those around here but sadly they're all gone now.

@BucketlistBob coyote theater in Fort Worth, TX.

The good old Drive-In. Where I lost my virginity. MEMORIES, MEMORIES. The good old days. Sometimes I wish they were back ?

We have nice one on the northwest side of Houston's suburban sprawl.
Biggest problem is its too popular and you have to get there early! Then you have to sit in the Houston steamy evening heat!!!
Great concession stand with decent prices! Double feature every weekend night. Pretty good value.

My favorite one was close to home. Then it was torn down to make room for a Builders Square (remember those?)

It went out of business in less than two years... that was about 25 years ago.
As far as I know, it is still sitting empty and it's attached to the back of a long-abandoned K Mart.

Knock 'em both down and put up a new drive-in I say.


I can not say that I watched "Hereditary" on Thursday. I slept many portions of it. I am no longer scared by a projection in a flat screen. My date was not sitted next to me when I woke up so I thought she was killed too by the movie... my dissapointment when I saw her alive in the opposite end of the row. Enjoy the jurrassic adventure.


I haven't been in many years and just do not care that much about what comes out of Hollywood. I watch YouTube videos most every night on my HDMI TV and documentaries from the Internet.


The last few times I've been to the movie theater, it's all been kids movies at the discount theater with my daughter (9 y/o): Paddington 2 (surprisingly enjoyable), Coco (excellent), and Sherlock Gnomes (tolerable). The last adult movie (not that kind of adult movie you perv!) I saw in a theater was The Last Jedi.


Yes, I went to see Ocean's 8 when it came out. At some point I'll see Incredibles 2 along with Ant-Man and The Wasp, Christopher Robin, maybe Equalizer 2 when they come out.

If you don't want to park far away, go to the movies on a weekday instead of opening weekend. But I like parking far away, gives me more time for walking/exercise.


Yes. I have gone to the movies lately.


Grab a T-Rex ride ?

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