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Does anyone out there(besides myself) not believe in voting?

Grassy 5 June 23

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So let's stir the pot a little more!Homer's Illiad( I could never understand how the Trojans could be so ).Any Ideas?Here's a book past on orally for how many years?Many! Very similar to the Bible. would they? Could they have lost their minds?or just mixed up the translation . Could the word "horse" have been mixed up with the word" water" by those crazed monks?Maybe the greeks went in thru the wooden pipes.

Grassy Level 5 June 24, 2018

I spent entire seventh and eight grade diagramming sentences(a complete waste of time) and discussing politics with Sister Hilda. A third of our library was the Congressional Records.One of her statements was"The politicians won't get worried until everybody stops voting".I stopped for 20yrs . It was great(almost everyone I would have voted for won which was way better than getting skunked (which was my previous record).This past election I voted (for every candidate on the ballot)

Grassy Level 5 June 23, 2018

What are the alternatives to voting? Apathy and civil war are the only two that come to mind.


The balance between Republican and Democrat brings a balance to the laws that affect everyone. The pendulum swings one way and then the other. Our government and the far -right and -left groups have forgotten this is how democracy should work. And it has been tearing our country apart since about 25-30 years ago (maybe longer -- it is just more noticeable in the last 10 years). It won't take much for a civil war to break out between the two groups (hopefully not). I am a moderate Republican, but I vote for the candidate who seems to know more about the issues. This last POTUS election, all the candidates were horrible choices and we are paying for those lack of choices. Vote or don't vote -- in the long it has very little value. So I accept your point-of-view. Only those who are far -right or -left care about it so vehemently. Follow the dictates of your education and heart.

xyz123 Level 7 June 23, 2018

Wrong approach it allows ding bats like trumpie to be your leader. Socrates stated those who feel to important to take part in their government will be ruled by the dumb. As you can see it is true.

Marine Level 8 June 23, 2018

Yes, but if nothing else through voting the people are the architects of their own demise. There are places such as North Korea where multi-generational monsters like the Kim family rise to power and the people have absolutely no say in the matter.

In November of this year, the people of the United States will have the unique opportunity to begin cleaning up the mess we've made...

...or not.

In the end, it will be the people who are responsible. Not some sociopath who rose to power at the business end of a gun.


I once read that voting constitutes voting for voting and often amounts to no or poor returns.


Every vote matters. The New Hampshire Senate race was decided by two votes out of 223,363 in 1974. A Massachusetts gubernatorial election was decided by two votes out of 102,066 in 1839. And the Alaskan congressional race was decided by a single vote out of 10,035 cast in 2008.

Through voting you have the opportunity to influence the government. By not voting, your apathy gives tacit agreement with the status quo. It that what you want?

In most state and national elections, you need to be registered to vote anywhere from 10-27 days before the actual election. That is why it’s important to regularly check if you are eligible to vote in your district.

Voting is a constitutional right and privilege that Americans have. It’s best to make use of that right, instead of squandering it and disregarding what our Founders stood for.

I voted most of my adult life .I even voted for a Republican once(Ford)But I could vote for a dog catcher and he'd lose😟 I have an unspoiled record of Zero)

Then why did you ask:

"Does anyone out there(besides myself) not believe in voting?"

This clearly states that you do not believe in voting. Yet now you said, "I have voted most of my life."

Why did you post this? To get a rise out of Democrats? (rolls eyes)

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