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From all of your memories pick one that always brings a smile to your face?

atheist 8 Dec 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Waking up at my bestfriend's house on a Sunday morning, getting ready to go to church (only times I ever went as a child was when I stayed the night with her). I asked her dad why he wasn't getting ready. His reply: Because I don't believe in god. I admired this man (still do). I knew right then and there it was okay to not believe the bullshit being fed to us in Sunday school. I stopped staying the night with my friend shortly after that, because I didn't want to go to church anymore; I knew it wasn't necessary to be a good person.


Bringing my daughter Becky home from the ICU. She was in the hospital for 3 months and three days-just a tiny 4 lbs. 3 ounces all bundled up in a 3 layered car seat. Happy to bring her home from Albany Medical Center.

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