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What movie should I see?

I am so behind on my movie-going!! Can y’all help me decide what movie I should try and go see this weekend? (And maybe one of you lovelies would want to come with??)

  • 8 votes
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LLstarla 3 June 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I loved Ocean's 8. This movie was fast-paced, clever and hilarious. Smart, sassy women and gorgeous, elegant clothes. Wonderful!

Also loved the first Incredibles movie. Am looking forward to seeing the sequel.


Deadpool!!!!! shockingly only slightly worst than the 1st... in the best ways.


I've seen Deadpool 2 and Ocean's 8; I plan to watch Incredibles 2 at some point. I might see Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom if it comes to Netflix or whatever.

I heard Incredibles 2 was really good. Deadpool 2 and Ocean's 8 were both good.

I think I prefer Deadpool 1 over 2; I felt like the whole time traveling aspect was weak and wasn't needed for a good Deadpool movie.

I prefer Ocean's 11 and 12 over 8. I felt like there wasn't enough suspense during the heist in 8 compared to the other movies.

Any of these would be fine. If you want to see all 4 movies, then my vote goes to the movie that was released first since it might be the first to leave theaters and you'll have less time to be able to watch it.


Deadpool 2 is a must!!!!


I saw oceans 8 earlier this week and thought it was pretty enjoyable

GwenC Level 7 June 24, 2018

I seen Incredibles 2 last week and I like to see Jurrassic World.


I've seen Deadpool 2 three times now! Lol. I voted for that.
However, Incredibles 2 is really good. And Jurassic World 2 is also good. Oceans 8 is okay, Anne Hathaway steals the movie.
If we lived closer, I'd go with you!


I don't fancy any of them.


Eventually, all of them!


Deadpool 2 was great


Deadpool 2 was excellent! I guess it depends on if you like that style of humor or not (I do!). I tried to cath JP, but it was too crowded. Will try again on a different day.

Zster Level 8 June 24, 2018

Deadpool 2 only because it is the only one I have seen of the four listed. Of the others, I want to see Incredibles 2 and maybe Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom depending on the buzz (or is it raptor roar?)

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