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With all the republicans are doing I do not hear anything from the democrats.What is going on?

Marine 8 June 26

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Here is a Democratic candidate with a unique way to present her message:

MikeEC Level 7 June 26, 2018

LOVE this video ad. I posted it on Facebook.


They apparently have decided to double-down on Hillary's losing 2016 message that consisted of Trump is crazy, we are not Trump and hooray for immigrants and minorities and poor people.

In fact now, they are spending almost all of their energy championing the causes of wanna-be immigrants, refugees, illegal aliens and other NON-AMERICANS who can't even vote for them. I've heard ZERO from them on how they are going to make life better for American working class folks and middle-class folks. I'm as compassionate as the next guy but they seem to have zero interest in me.

I used to be a left-leaning independent, but now - despite the fact that I think Trump is an a&& - I am a right-leaning independent. The Dems seem to have turned their back on middle-class Americans and so I am turning my back on them. Bye, bye.

Fins Level 4 June 26, 2018

They are trying to decide what to do to win back seats in the fall. They are hoping that the republicans will hang themselves to make things easier. Right now they have to deal with both the republicans and progressives so they are probably not sure what to say or do. Heaven forbid anyone in Washington should ever just do the right thing. Always having to find a new way to manipulate the public for personal profit. Schmucks. All of them.

They better hurry or the election will pass them


Today may be stunned silence due to the Supreme Court decision on Trump's final immigration bill...correction: Travel Ban!


they've had a couple off wins for seats inthe house or senate. But they really need a unified message - I would to see hope, it certainly beats fear. Altho, maybe they could use fear, the regressives certainly have. The also need to to be more media savvy; put a better spin on things.

CS60 Level 7 June 26, 2018

you have to wonder

btroje Level 9 June 26, 2018

Most Dems are paid by PAC money and their govt. salary, so they don't care any more about us than the Pubs.

EdEarl Level 8 June 26, 2018

They are attacking everything we hold dear and there isn't any response form the democrats. Surely they could do something?Hold up the votes carry on like the republicans did.

Marine Level 8 June 26, 2018

"There isn't any response from Democrats," you wrote. WRONG.

"Democrats flip 42nd state legislative seat since Trump took office"


Are you unaware of the Women's Marches across the world? The Science/Earth Day Marches across the world? Other protests?

Were your eyes closed when Democrats successful fought against the abolishment of the Affordable Care Act?

Emily's List has raised millions to support female, Democrat candidates.


Read the news, particularly Huffington Post, NBC and CNN.

Look up Democrats Senators Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, and more.

These inspiring, great leaders have been fighting for America.

@LiterateHiker Absolutely! I am as upset and disgusted about the current state of our government as anyone. Very good trends are developing in the Dem party. Watch the video in my Comment, please.

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