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How much of this shit will they dish out; it seems impossible Americans can be so vile.

EdEarl Level 8 June 27, 2018

The US has a great long history of its citizens being vile. Native American genocide, slavery, the Japanese "internment" camps, broken treaties, exclusion acts, Jim Crow, etc... etc...

@ailurophile You are right. I was lulled into lala land when I was a hippie many years ago.

@EdEarl People educated in most US schools, unless they took US history classes in college or did their own reading, only got the whitewashed version. I started out with my mom's copy of "Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee" when I was knee high to an oligarch and went on from there.


Unfuckingbelievable. How can this be justified without racism or xenophobia?

By tomorrow the wheels would be spinning republiKKKan style.


So ameriKKKa is in the Kidnapping Biz now?

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