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What to do when stuck on a plane next to someone trying to convert you?

I was on a plane sitting next to an old lady who pulled out her Bible and tried to get me to pray with her. When I told her I didn't pray she then spent the next 30 minutes trying to convert me. I, at first, tried to talk with her but ended up having to put my ear phones on to ignore her.

Anyone else run into this and how do you handle it?

lucasbrown83 4 June 28

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Oh, I love it when this happens! I challenge their beliefs. It doesn’t take long before they regret their decision to convert me.


Try to de-convert them, make them look dumb, etc. Don't let them sh%t on you out of being taught to let people sh%t on you.


This behaviorist method works quickly on anyone.

Whenever people are talking religion or annoying you, totally ignore them. Act like you don't know English, don't look at them, put in your ear buds, read a book, etc.

If they switch to a neutral or interesting subject and you decide you want to talk, then smile and look at them. It trains anyone very quickly.


In this case I may have called the flight attendant and complained. With an old lady I would attempt to be kind, but at some point a line needs to be drawn.


I tell them I'm an atheist. That has always shut them up fast. Except when I was talking to a hospice nurse. She asked if we had a religious preference and I told her we weren't religious. She followed that up with the information that there was a chaplain available 24/7. I said "we're atheists". To that she replied "well, we won't hold that against you" . I thought how f****g big of you. She dropped it after that.

I'm amused by their magnanimity. "We don't it against you" sounds oh so generous and kind, but it never occurs to them that maybe we hold their belief in superstitious nonsense against THEM.


I have no mercy if someone is so arrogant (knowingly or not) as to thrust their beliefs at me. I’m also a firm believer in the efficacy of blunt Anglo-Saxon on these occasions. Young, old, male, female, whatever, it makes not one whit of difference to me. Get thee gone, NOW!


I emulate Manuel on Fawlty Towers. "Que?"


I usually go over the top and try to convert them.


I don’t usually advocate rudeness, but in certain circumstances It’s the only option. I think you were more restrained than I would have been.


Short answer:

Sorry I prefer truth based on testable reality over superstitions based on faith (belief without evidence).


I actually really enjoy those opportunities as the end process and end result is usually very pleasant for me. I can only think of one exception where one less then (all there) person who was escorted off the property grounds for yelling (BUT WHAT ABOUT THE FLOWERS?) over and over inches from my smiling face, although I enjoyed severely bothering this person, I didn't like having my face full of his saliva. Usually the person attempting to convert me winds up feeling very apprehensive about their choice to engage me. Usually they discover they are loosing the argument and literally run away. The second most common outcome is when they express fear. Occasionally they become angry when I bring up fundamental flaws in their "moral" god. In several occasions, I have also managed to de-converted a few. (usually the ones listening on the side lines). The least common outcome is how they discover how fragile and flawed their faith (belief without evidence) is when pitted against reality. For those, I have watched tears form in their eyes, or they back away and cower like a dog that had been beaten, or in one event, find a corner and assume the fetal position. I could fill pages with the arguments I use. Fun times.


"Sorry, I'm not a believer.". Headphones.


I love when they try.
Gives me excuse to openy file of facts and put seeds of doubt into them XD


This is why I put in headphones before they can even start talking to me 😉

But if stuck with it, I would either convert them, or I would just ask why to everything they said, like a confused 3 year old.

Ozman Level 7 Sep 16, 2018

If they try to convert you then you can try and convert them, turnabout seems fair to me. I've been seeing a lot of good anti-creationist arguments lately, it seems totally reasonable to lead the discussion in that direction.

Denker Level 7 June 29, 2018

i hope it was only a 30m flight


It may work the other way around


Kinda had a similar experience, but when it happened to me. I told that person to really read the bible and notice the hints. None of the events existed. Just stories of ?

Qiru Level 6 June 28, 2018

Look for two things, a parachute and an exit!

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