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What pc games are yall playing?

I keep going back to DDO and fallen earth. I'm frostedjar on steam. I'd like to play with other ppl but i never can find the right game. I like rpg but am open to most any game.

ChrisFrost 5 July 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I'm not a PC person I actually am a PS4 person I've just got done in the last 3 or 4 months playing every open world game there is I'm waiting breathlessly for 2019 for the new Metro Exodus to come out I'm like a little boy waiting for Christmas I did just finish playing Inside a wonderful little indie game wonderful ending

@Omen6Actual unfortunately that particular game is not available on console


zynga Poker !


Warcraft 3


Play The Forest if you dare!

mmmm was reading the comments on it in steam. says its not like other survival games.. I have rust... I think I liked it at one point. a very short moment.


About to do the Witcher series, started Witcher 1 yesterday.

I tried that. I failed. I really need to start playing demos or watching more vids of the games I buy so I don't feel as tho I have wasted my money. ...and time.

@ChrisFrost Boy do I know that feeling, the game play is differeent, I have read all the books, but that doesn't help in teh game. A few hours yesterday and I am a bit more proficient. I made a deal with some of my students, I would play Witcher 3 if they read the books. So I thought I should start with Witcher 1 game.


Guild wars2, War Thunder


When I have the time, I play Overwatch.

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