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Attention Tax Payers

Tax the churches!! Agree? Disagree?

Kassandra 6 July 1

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Oh, yes. We may need to visit the whole 501☕3 exemption.


Tax 'em....they're blatantly political these days and it's disgusting.


If they don't keep their noses out of politics then the church's need to be taxed just like the rest of us.
One of the things your taxes pays for is the right to have a say in how things function in the federal government.


I don't think that I agree. Not because they are religious, but because I think they should be treated as a not-for-profit organization. I used to work for a mental health foundation and we were required to prove where every cent we received went, and how.much service we provided to our clients. In theory churches are designed to do good, provided services to their community, etc. The government could treat churches like any other non-profit, and just ignore the religious part of their services. It would add a lot of paperwork and recording requirements to churches, but it might just eliminate the churches that do little but take from people and serve no one but their leaders. It would be worth a try anyway.

I appreciate this comment. Thank you for the different insight.


Not just churches, tax all non-profit organizations.

Interesting. Why?

@Kassandra To raise revenue and treat everyone fairly and equally.

@doug6352 I don't know enough about how businesses for profit or not for profit are or are not taxed, but for the sake of intrigue... I thought businesses are taxed on their profits. Many non-profits don't keep a profit, as they are actually giving back to the community (in whatever their focus is). Churches and maybe even some hospitals should be more regulated, in my opinion.

But again, that's really just what I'm grasping through other forums. I have yet to do my own research.

What are your thoughts?

@Kassandra Schools and foundations may be immune from paying taxes on real estate and investment income while they pay executives million$ salaries. It is simply unfair to the rest of us. Every organization should pay property taxes and taxes on investment income.


Of course they should be taxed. Over a couple of centuries of back taxes would be nice too.

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