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So did anyone do anything exciting for New Years? I honestly didn't notice it. I was absorbed in playing an online computer game and it never occurred to it was New Year even when I went to bed in the very wee hours of the morning.

SCOTT63 4 Jan 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I went on a friend date to a party and made it into to another party at 10 seconds left countdown.


Not that day but New Year's eve I went to a Quaker meeting?!

A long time friend (20 years) is a Quaker and invited me to a meeting where she was to tell a story. She teaches nursing at Wash. State University which is north of me and had to come up with an elective that demonstrated social justice. She told about a woman track star, Wilma Rudolf an amazing story. Quakers have odd meetings in that they don't do anything but sit and think and when something moves them one will stand and talk (mostly announcements). It is almost like the Unitarians, no proselytizing or judgements and a potluck afterward. I partook in some discussions and my friend, Jill (we tell people we broke up because we got tired of the Jack & Jill comments) talked about some of my experiences which brought on some interesting comments. It was a very pleasant day.


i drank coffee and went for a walk


Well you’re ahead of me! …I deliberately attempt to ignore it ..while you accomplished that effortlessly!

I’m not as boring as I may sound, it just seems my priorities have shifted with experience 🙂

Varn Level 8 Jan 2, 2018

I got a good nights sleep!


Like traveling to a new, much warmer destination? Like finding a new lover and staying in bed all day? Like watching a favorite movie you've never seen? No.


Wife got


Other than an amusing story by one of our members about a mother and daughter not much action.

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