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QUESTION The scourge of naive cynicism (I found several links to this title so if one doesn't work try another)

I know this probably won’t get much attention but I feel it is extremely important, especially to this group, and will heed the message and try (I will call it my read and heed program).

This morning was my opinion page at breakfast time. I noted this article and totally agree. It is perhaps the most critical thing going on today and contributes greatly to the problems we are having.

“…a conviction that moral action doesn’t matter, coupled with a grim determination not to appeal the fool, can cause people to embrace outright amorality.” (There is a difference between amorality and immorality). Further it states “Put your faith in faithlessness, and you will never be laughed at again.

JackPedigo 9 Jan 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I remember well the shock on a friend's face and the disbelief in his voice when a Sheik was jailed. "But we don't jail the rich".


I'm not going to sit back in 2018 and watch trump do his thing trying to destroy anyone that stands in his way. I am going to make noise and hopefully we can encourage others on this site to speak up and act.

And when people on this site laud him hold their feet to the fire. As I told silvereyes hold your friends close but your enemies closer.


How about just trying to be humane? No need for religion. If it feels wrong, then it’s probably wrong.

The way I see it religion is only a part of the problem. We did a film series here, "Years of Living Dangerously" and each of us was to give a talk before each film (there were 9). When it was my turn the film was Climate Change. I said that Climate Change was not a problem! And I watched the faces drop. I went on to say further it is a symptom of a bigger problem. We have water issues, food issues, species loss issues (we are experiencing the 6th mass extinction) violence issues and on and on. The main issue is the deterioration of our life support system and the overall cause is overpopulation - which was one aspect this site was created to address.

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