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QUESTION Evangelicals: Unintentional Atheist Allies | HuffPost

Many people, especially millennials, are moving away from the WEP “Christian values,” and they are being welcomed by atheists and humanists who support civil rights and social justice issues. Some former or present Christians now believe that our humanist positions are more consistent with the message of Jesus than with the message of the WEP. We don’t think selling pastries to gay people is worse than pedophilia. And “Nones” know how many references there are to abortion in the Gospels: None.

A secular U.S. Constitution, where the separation of church and state is absolute, helped make America great. When religion mingled with politics is no longer business as usual, then we together can make America even greater.

zblaze 7 Jan 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Their corrupt and destructive "family values" are turning off the younger generations in droves. It's a demographic trend that almost certainly can't be stopped. Thank goodness.


I so want to see more of that...


Evangelicals are diminishing in numbers and embracing Humanist values. This is a good thing.

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