When traveling, do you still find yourself in awe of cathedrals and sacred sites? While I haven't the least desire to pray or worship, I am still awestruck and stand in wonder when exploring these spaces. I recall moving through the dim ambulatory of Notre Dame in Paris, taking in the incense, hearing the chior, watching the dancing shadows from the flickering flames of the candles dance across all the statues and arches and thinking to myself how mystical it was. It's no wonder that some people could be taken in by it, especially hundreds of years ago. It surely was magical. I also was dying to go inside La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, but sadly, we only toured the outside, which was groundbreaking and stunning, as well. I must get back there! I'm curious about my fellow atheists and agnostics, though. What say you?
These structures represent bigotry and repression.
I would love to see the world's cathedrals become empty, crumbling ruins overtaken by nature and inhabited by murders of crows. Their caws shall become nature's communion.