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Your Thoughts

Which do you think causes more social harm- greed or religion (

Samantha 4 Jan 3

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28 comments (26 - 28)

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Religion because it becomes an excuse for people's bad behavior and arrogance that they will be forgiven. Too much blood has been spilled throughout history in the name of religion.


Without religion, would we know what greed was? Question for a question. I'm sure we would. I do think capitalism is a conditioned trait though. I have been conditioned to take advantage of that really good deal, I may buy 5 to sell to make money. Only in America. Just kidding. We have helped spread it worldwide. We are the greediest county on the planet. And damn proud of it. The best country on the planet if you listen to the braggarts. It's no wonder 2/3 of the rest of the world hates us. Many of them that have been around Americans realize it's mainly our government running amuck over here and not actually the people as a whole. Religion would be outlawed if it were up to me. When you can have people believing in gods, you can have them believe anything. It's not good for half your population to be walking around deluded to the truth. Look at all those Trump supporters. It don't matter what he does, they just can't see or accept it. They have had their minds deluded to the point they think for themselves.


Without a doubt religion. Greed is micro. Religion is macro.

I understand your sentiment; however, one could argue greed has become systemic in our world and so has become a macro issue. Also, I truly think religion would be obsolete with the absence of greed.

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