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QUESTION National Atheist Agnostic Association Asks Kay Ivey To Quit Preaching

The Freedom From Religion Foundation believes that a government entity, the office of the governor cannot endorse religious messages. These religious messages violate the Establishment Clause by communicating that the department and the state of Alabama prefer religion, specifically Christianity, over nonreligion and all minority faiths.

“The Supreme Court has long recognized that the First Amendment ‘mandates governmental neutrality between religion and religion, and between religion and nonreligion,” FFRF Director of Strategic Response Andrew Seidel writes to Ivey. “When you use your office to promote exclusively religious messages, you have violated this neutrality.”

zblaze 7 Jan 3

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The Alabama Atheist Organization should send a registered letter to her telling her to stop or suffer a law suit...then flow it up if she doesn't stop. If there is no AAO, then the National Office should certainly do this.

PEGUS Level 5 Jan 6, 2018



yay she went too far and should be stopped.

The famous babble belt states....oh boy we have a fight and a half in our hands...

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