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Have you ever thought about ( this is paraphrasing a Lily Tomlin routine, but it's a valid question) the fact that in prayer, people talk to god, but, if a person claims God has spoken to them most people, even the religious, think they are crazy. Isnt this admitting, in a way, that you don't think god is really there?

Benmonk 6 Jan 3

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On the brighter side..."One ringy dingy...Is this the person to whom I am speaking?"


People have no clue of psychological processes in their brains.

The fact that a believer can be a non-believer one day, and vice versa, just goes to show that what people experience depends on brain mentation and nothing else.


Is it just me, or does this question assume that gawd is an actual thing?

No, though I see what you mean. It refers to the perception of the people involved that god is an actual thing.


My standard response when someone tells me 'God told them' something is:

'Really? What did their voice sound like? Was it deep? Do they have an accent? Was it a man or a woman?'. LOL -- honest, I usually do.


A lot of religious people would get a real education if they did watch Lily Tomlin or George Carlin or Colbert.

gearl Level 8 Jan 3, 2018

Actually I get the impression that most religious people accept the silly notion that God speaks to them.

I'm not sure. I do hear people speaking of God telling them things in the intuitive sense, but not usually the literal sense, with a voice.

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