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Are you the only atheist/agnostic in your household?

And are you constantly pressured by family members for it?

Rideauxb 7 Oct 11

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No, my dogs and cats are too. My wife is a hardcore Christian, but we legally separated after seven good years followed by seven more bad years. The more religious she got, the worse things got. It's not all her fault I'm guilty of losing interest and not wanting to be around her as she fell deeper into her faith.


I am married to a devout Catholic christian. We have been married for 34 years, and have an agreement that we don't discuss religion. Occasionally she pleads with me not to bait the priests or other religious types if we attend functions that I am expected to accompany her to.


i'm assuming that since my dogs don't attend services, they're not religious. though i'm not sure if they believe in god or not, dog for sure, god? idk. my guinea pigs are pretty secretive. so, i can't answer yes for sure.


In a bible belt state, North Carolina. I am the only one in my family, like immediate and extended family that doesn't believe in God. It definitely causes issues with the mother who raised me and my cousin too. My mother and I get into it at least every 3 months about religion. If I ever have a family of my own, my children will not be raised religious. But will be accepted if they decide later in life to follow some imaginary sky daddy.


It’s just my dog and I. My dog is Mormon... so.... yeah.


I'm the only open one, I Know that my dad and grandfather don't believe but they keep it to themselves. My mom and grandmother are huge into religion.


nope both of us are atheist to the core


I'm the only one that I know of, in my entire extended family. I live in the bible belt, deep south of the US. So we are pretty rare around here. I think I may have a cousin who is possibly an atheist, or possibly agnostic, but I don't talk to him much, we aren't close, and he lives in the NW coastal area, and it's never come up in conversation when we do talk.

I feel for you, I don't think I could live in the bible belt!


It’s just me and my 2 boys and yes we all are atheists. I didn’t raise them in the church and now that they are older they find religion somewhat ridiculous.


Nope my dogs are as well, they do worship me but only as their magnificent leader.


I am fortunate. My two younger sisters became atheists because of me. My parents followed. My sister's husband is an atheist, as well as her 21 yr old daughter. Both parents are in a mausoleum with an atheist plaque.


No, My parents had a very loose religious base, never went to church and were agnostic or atheists before they died. My siblings and I are all atheists, my kids are all atheists, my husband is atheist.


Basically, my close family children and wife believe like I do. Most of my family otherwise are religious. We do not visit much except when they need our help with something.


No, thank god. =)


I'm the only atheist in my immediate family but extended family is much, much more liberal and a larger number of atheists and agnostics. My immediate family thinks they're being "subtle" when they post things about atheism when I'm aware of exactly how small their social circles are and their exposure to other atheists. Yea, I'm the only one most of them can possibly know. Then they post stupid shit about "this isn't aimed at anyone BUT..." as though I'm completely fucking retarded.


about half of us are atheist, the rest range from doubting Thomas' to "you going to hell, Jerry".


Yes in my household, just me and my dog. My sisters are the only family members who know. They are religious but don't pressure me about it. I wouldn't tell any other family members. It would spread like wildfire. Interventions, crying and praying for my soul... I'll pass lol.


Me and my 9 year old are both Atheist. My extended family are all Christian and they love


Atheist household of four. We're the black sheep of the larger family.


Yes. I'm open about it and my family is all resigned to the fact. I tend to know Christianity best out of all of us and it's resulted in my mother and sister really deciding that the Bible is nonsense and pretty much creating their own idea of a god who is far more accepting and loving, but also not really all-powerful, either. My father just tries to tune me out when I get on the topic of weird crap in the Bible. XD


Yes but I've only told my sister...and she had a very negative reaction about it. My mothers will be the same once I finally say it but I haven't yet. She suspects it though...almost my whole family is either Catholic or Christian so it's not something I can really just freely discuss (I wish I could, but I'd rather not deal with the questioning).


I grew up in an evangelical home, 3 brothers (now have wives and kids) and Mom and Dad. All of them still believe passionately.

Jerry Level 2 Oct 11, 2017



I am. Seems like I'm the only one in my state actually.


Yes, the only one...


Luckily I am not. My mom's an agnostic and it seems like my dad (who was raised heavily Lutheran) is an atheist but he doesn't particularly like discussing those kinds of things. My younger brother believes in God and wears a cross around his neck, but I don't think he knows exactly what that actually symbolizes.

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