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Atheist Podcasts

So I listen to quite a few atheist podcasts but I'm always in the market for more. I prefer debate and conversation themed shows like Dogma Debate and Unbelievable? Can anyone recommend any similar programs?

Preston 4 July 13

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The Ricky Gervais Show (if you want a funny one that isn't really focusing on atheism but certainly mentions it and discusses a lot of philosophy)


"The Atheist Experience" is my favorite as far as debates go. Always seems to be quite a few christians calling in to play "gotcha". But beware, there is also a podcast called "The Atheist Experience Experience" which is far right fundamentalist christians who attempt to rebuke the show. But overall my favorite podcasts are "The Thinking Atheist" and "The Friendly Atheist".


I like deconversion stories like Everyone's Agnostic and Voices of Deconversion.


“The Ra-men Podcast”

“The Friendly Atheist”

“Street Epistemology” not necessarily atheist, but more like street questioning people about their beliefs and kind of making them think on the spot.

“Waking up” earlier episodes have a little more do with atheism. Later on he starts branching out into other topics


The Atheist Experience is a good one.


My favorite is “the thinking atheist”. I’ve listened to “cognitive disonence” but they’re mean on that podcast and that’s not cool.

Yeah, I'm not a fan of Cognitive Dissonance either...

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