I've always been a fan of the Outsider Test. It's what was behind my questions as a Catholic child, and it's still the handiest tool in my kit. Some examples...
"Huh. You've got a divinely inspired book passed on to humankind from an infallible god? Weird. That's the exact same thing this Muslim guy told me yesterday."
"Your religion is true because its followers were willing to die for what they believed in? Just like the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith, then?"
"Am I concerned about the fate of my immortal soul burning for eternity in your religion's Hell? I'd say I'm exactly as frightened by it as you are of being swallowed by the Norse serpent-monster, Jormungandr."
So how bout it? What's your counterapologetics go-to?
It is also a good argument against Pascals wager. Briefly the bet goes like this, you bet your life on the existence or not of god a or b, yes or no,Y or N. If aY then you get eternal life. If aN you don
t get eternity. If bY then all you have lost a few pleasures. If bN then all you have gained is those aforementioned pleasures.
Where this logic breaks down is the list of just 2 choices a or b. Whereas the choice of a (there is a god) is like saying "I shall buy a tin of food". What tin? Which food? What make? Choose the wrong one and it is as bad as not buying one at all.
BTW if you go agnostic you lose 100% of the time.
That's totally wonderful. We should all follow that example when it fits.
I say, "Fine! I will give you my time to listen and read your religious material for later discussion, if you promise to listen and read mine to discuss as well." The God Delusion would be the first book up. I have a new neighbor, who bombards me with thoughts and prayers and other religious nonsense in her emails. So, I send her all my atheist posts and priestly crime news. Now there are far fewer emails. I can't wait to see where this will go. I will keep the group posted.
First of all read Peter Boghossians book A Manuel for Creating Atheist. I think it's a horrible title,but the most neglected book in all of atheism.
I was a young earth creationist, fundamentalist. My beliefs were probably more radical than anyone ill talk to. I call myself that because I haven't found any Christian religion with more hard core beliefs. I was in the Ken Ham, Greg Hovand school of thinking before they were known.
I never question anyone's religious doctrine. I do causally mention that I had issues with know how I know what I know. So I will take control of the conversation sometimes changing the subject if I don't like where it is going so that we can find topics that we agree on. This is very important. I want them to say yes so we agree on everything. As a student of people and religion, particularly considering my past, this is very easy for me.
I don't talk about them or their religion, again if I have to pretend not to hear or understand their last comment I will steer the conversation in the direction I want, rude yes but effective.
I then drop a reason somehow pertinent to the conversation that I personally struggled with concerning religion. Now we have agreed on everything so I'm an ok guy and I am now sharing an intimate personal thought. I am not attacking them or their religion at all I am sharing my struggle with a friend. People just don't take this personal.
I will give a brief example.
You know I had a hard time with blasphemy. Jesus said that all sins are forgiven and in another place he said it is the only sin that can't be forgiven, I mean what do you do with that? They both can't be right. So it just made me wonder if it wasn't just a bunch of people's opinions, ya know? Sorry I've got to go to the bathroom.
We have been agreeing on everything, now that I have dropped my personal question I abruptly end the conversation and get out. This is designed to leave them with the thought to hash out for themselves without distracting them with further conversation. I have not attacked them I have simply shared my difficulties, I'm not really a jerk and my ideas made since.
I like the post I saw earlier. "Your praying for your friend with cancer? If it works can you take care of some new legs for that veteran amputee?" Not sure why theists think some miracles are possible but don't consider others.