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In a world free of religion, what rules would no longer apply to you?

When I was a kid we ate fish on Fridays, and we weren't even Catholic, my mother still doesn't eat meat on Good Friday. But these are not laws in my society, but are in some. Some can't work on sabbath, blaspheme etc. The ones that affect me are Government laws, churches would be taxed, I would be allowed multiple wives I think, banned in Christian countries, allowed in others. We have finally just passed marriage equality changes, but until recently, religion oppressed many people here.

Rugglesby 8 Jan 6

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It would make absolutely no difference to me.


I always eat meat on Good Friday
It really upset exwife


My world is free of religion 🙂 Although I understand that it affects many others


Sunday liquor sales.its unfair that when most people are enjoying their leisure time, half of it has a religious restriction..

Same with buying cars/RVs in Louisiana. Not positive that is a law, but in nine years I have never seen a car or RV dealership open for sales here on Sunday. Excluding say an RV show.


I'd be hoping there'd be marriage equality in polygamy too - how many husbands am I allowed to have?

you can cut out the religious ceremony and have as many partners as you want anyway.

@LeighShelton Gosh! Whatever next!

it would definitely cut both ways, all up the the individuals involved.

do I have to spell it out lol

I think you should be able to have as many husbands as you can manage, so they don't squabble, and all feel the relationship suits them.

As many as you can convince to share you. Good luck! 🙂


The rule of keeping my mouth shut … and not opening it until I ‘know it’s safe’ to speak freely. Granted, it’s a self imposed rule, but unfortunately, a necessary one ~

Varn Level 8 Jan 6, 2018

Same here, and for my kids. Teachers and other parents at school pose no small threat to my kids now. Getting blatant christianiyy out of the public schools would be super welcome.

@Zster Which school district are you talking about? In NYC public school system anybody who proselytizes will be escorted out of the premises.

@Zster I fought it in the rurals of Oregon. An uncomfortable situation for all. I’ll start out quiet, but have no intention of staying that way...

Rural northest Georgia. We've made national news before:


@Zster Always pushing the boundaries.. I see that was Sept. or 2014, has it been removed?

No, panels were attached that cover up the verses. The players still CHOOSE to rub it before game, right before a team prayer. Sigh.

@Zster how would they feel if there was a demographic shift and it said "there is only one God and Mohammed is his messenger"?

Most would grab their guns and go to war over it. They understand the dbl standard, but are too brainwashed to care.


Well, actually the only rules that can count are the laws, eve if I know that a lot of rules are instigated by religious thoughts. I people don't want them any longer they should take action to get the law withdrawn. But every limitation should have arguments and be transparent, as they are meant to keep society running. I know that all rules that I set for myself are based on argumentation or if they are rules I learned from my parents, I surely have evaluated them and decided to make them my own or abolish them. Even now I notice there are habits that I got from my education that I still have to challenge and evaluate. Even after 60 years (indoctrination goes deep). My personal opinion is that I only accept limitations by empathy. Which means, Treat people and even animals like you would like to be treated if you would swap bodies. That makes me respect people, even if they don't respect me. Sure, I make mistakes, but the intention is there.

Gert Level 7 Jan 6, 2018

Th only rule that would be important is the rule I've made for myself. I was raised as a young earth creationist, fundamentalist. I had no choice. I did buy into it completely, I was very close to becoming a preacher. The only reason I didn't was that I'm a perfectionist. I want to know everything perfectly before I taught anyone else. So as a child I studied the bible obsessively.
Long story short I saw the bible was very flawed and became an Atheist. So what would change? I would stop studying religion, particularly Christianity every day. I was trapped by my indoctrination, now I have to understand religion better than those who hold religious beliefs in order to help them let go also.

Congratulations. Long having ‘debated’ those of your upbringing, their intensity shown a desire for accuracy, yet supporting ‘a belief’ was impossible. Not that they didn’t try.. But to know some of you escape gives me hope for the others. Do continue your studies, if that’s what it takes to truly save others ~

@Varn I study every day. Interestingly people don't actually know what they claim to believe. For example I had to explain to a Catholic friend that according to the Catholic religion sacrament of communion means that they are literally eating the flesh and drinking the actual blood of Jesus. She did not believe this but claimed to be Catholic and thus hold those beliefs.
So much of my job is explaining Christians claimed beliefs to them. Once this is accomplished I leave them to evaluate their own beliefs and or claims.

@DavidLaDeau Yes, and perhaps the truth will set them free… You stated, “...people don't actually know what they claim to believe.” I’d make that The Quote of the Day! Thank you 🙂


I wouldn't have to stand quietly while people pray before eating at family holiday events.


in a world without religion? What are we doing with the old cathedrals and churches of historical significance? Demolition? Museum? Some are Serious work of art and architecture.

I think the former Soviet Union turned theirs into community centers and health clinics. I might save a handful (twer I incharge), then sell, tax, or doze the rest…

When I lived in Yorkshire, they turned a redundant church into a nightclub. The strobe lighting really lit up the stained glass windows.

@GoldenDoll there was a club like that in New York in the 70's

Although I think a world without religion would on the whole be better, I find it hard to imagine a secular use for a great cathedral that would preserve the sense of peace and stillness that one gets within. (Not a night-club, certainly!) The distant footsteps on the stone floors, the quiet voices of a handful of others in the distance: I would be sad if these had to go.


I would love to see Christmas being called Winter bliss, I would love holiday spirit and family gatherings with out religious touch hoovering over my head!

Winter Bliss - I love it!

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