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Is this life all there is?

Leutrelle 7 Jan 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Does it matter? Do you really need to know? I'm not trying to be contrary or flippant; I mean these counter-queries in all respectful earnestness. My feeling is that I'll never know for sure--whatever I decide would necessarily be a belief... YUCK--so I'll just move on from this question and focus on the stuff with which I feel I can make real progress. This is not to say I won't ever contemplate this question--I most assuredly will, to some degree; it's a thoroughly absorbing thought topic--but I won't let myself be hung up or stressed out by not having an answer. My attitude about this question is roughly equivalent to my attitude about questions like "Are aliens out there? If so, do they know about us? If so, what do they think about us?" etc.--and my feelings re my inability to answer these questions are likewise similar. It's something fun to mull over when the mood strikes but nothing in which I'm terribly invested and certainly nothing that directs the course of my life. Full disclosure: I study Buddhism, which generally includes the doctrine of reincarnation and I am so unresolved on that issue that I can't even say I'm "agnostic" there--I'm more of a "skip-the-question-ist"--and I'm totally fine with it. I have no problem with saying my brain doesn't work at all with that material, or I don't yet know enough about it to be able to "work the problem", or I don't think that's worth the braincells to try to figure out, or I don't think a meaningful answer is findable. Re your "life" question, I personally feel all of the above apply. However that doesn't mean I won't accept others' answers and ways of working to the problem and attitudes as just as valid as mine. I didn't create life or the universe, and I certainly don't dictate how they operate. I can only perceive them so dimly that I don't think "right" or "wrong" are even feasible descriptors of my assessments.


I am afraid so!!


This life is what we make it.


To the best of our scientific knowledge, make the most of it, be happy and bring others happiness, i wish you good health, make it a long ride!

Dav87 Level 6 Jan 6, 2018

I can't imagine there being anything after this life, especially since I can't remember anything before this life. That's why I make this life everything I can. I think one of the most disturbing things about religion is that people will waste their life in hopes of Heavenly Rewards.

Cheri Level 5 Jan 6, 2018

You make good point! Thanks

Remember my motto, "a life well lived is dying young, as late as possible." Do that and you'll be fine.


Yes, but it's up to you to make it what you want it to be - and you can.


this life is all there is evidence for. sort of a nonconcrete answer, sorry. we can't test for that question.


Yes mate,but it sounds like your wasting it ! It's not a rehearsal go out and enjoy this beautiful big blue marble we live on.

I am a slow learner, but I am on it🙂


This life has been quite a ride. From born again to agnostic. 20 plus years with no belief, 20 plus years as a christian, and 20 plus years as an agnostic. It was a humbling experience to finally doubt the existence of god, but with much reading, critical thinking, and rational thought I got to a comfort zone. I find myself indulged in thought and study of the origin of man, ancient history, and even thinking past Darwin. If I look, there is enough to keep my mind satisfied, by thinking outside of main stream. It is enough to ponder just how old the human race is, and just how smart our ancestors were. It is mesmerizing to see and walk among the Mayan Pyramids, and look in awe at films and pictures of the many megalithic cultures. Most all of these structures could not be reproduced in this modern world, and that gives me pause. Perhaps we are not the pinnacle of man kind, maybe we are just one of many ebbs in human history. It is my point of view that this life lived, is of great value, and privilege. And if that is all there is, then perhaps, it is enough.

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