30 10

Excited and then disappointed again

"Open heart-open mind" has been my modus operandi for years. Being vulnerable can result in feeling disappointed and hurt. I refuse to become bitter and jaded.

Yesterday at the Democrat barbecue, I sat across from an older friend. She introduced me to her son John, 63, sitting beside her. Immediately he turned on the charm.

"Great!" I thought. "John is handsome, fit, not wearing a wedding ring and a Democrat."

We talked for 30 minutes during dinner and later, standing on the grass in the shade as candidates gave speeches.

"You are very fit," he said repeatedly. John asked to go hiking with me. I said yes.

Good old Google. When I got home, I looked up John. He's married. He and his wife won an award in 2018 for growing superior organic fruits.

With online dating, married men lie about being single to get laid. What happened? Did John's marriage slip his mind?

Although I feel disappointed, this will pass. Your thoughts?

LiterateHiker 9 July 16

Enjoy being online again!

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To possibly get your hopes up,someone has a Male who'd like to meet you,getting your Heart to flutter a little,and then after some searching by you,to have this thrown on the cold rocks of despair.....


Democrat should have been the first red flag.


@ literatehiker. Did you end up hiking?

No, he has not called. If he calls me, I will say I don't feel comfortable hiking with him unless his wife comes along.

@LiterateHiker he guessed you knew....


Oh yeah. My wedding ring shrank a lot. Must have been the result of 30 years of doing dishes. Had a jeweler friend remove and it resize it. But i stopped wearing jewelry, including earrings, many decades ago. Sorta sad, given i have some really cool stuff.

Without the ring for about two years. My finger is still a bit strange. I have to comb the hairs to cover the bald spot.

JacarC Level 8 July 16, 2018

Men are pigs. Oink oink

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