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Church weddings?

Do you attend weddings and funerals held in churches?

Idkaidc 3 Jan 6

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Sure ! Try and remember, churches are just buildings . Walking into one does not mean a spell is cast over you, and you become an unwilling believer.

They're safe, really.


Yes, of course - as long as they aren't mine!!!

And that's because it isn't about me, it's about me paying respect to my friends.


This is not a direct response to the question. I do not want to be involved with any church ceremonies concerning myself. When it is time for me to hit the mud, die, I hope that if there are a few words said, they would be, "He tried to learn a bit about why he was here."


Out of respect for the people I care about, yes.

Betty Level 8 Jan 7, 2018

only if I have to ie family politics. I'm not having a funeral and I'm not getting married. they literally want thousands of pounds off of your dead corpse for a load of stupid songs and a vicar regurgitating what a relative told him over the phone. stupid songs, a see threw car that you can't see into because you're in a box. weddings where some twat for lots of money tells you that you can keep doing what you have probably already been doing or could do for loads of money. sounds like theft and stupidity to me.


I wish I could, but everytime I look at a church my eyes start burning. Friends and family tried blindfolding me but as soon as I step inside, my skin feels like it's on fire before I start to have seizures, which is wierd because I don't have epilepsy. The strangest condition really.

that is strange must be in your mind


Certainly. Attendance is not acceptance. Besides, it's out of respect or to support someone.


I go but it usually feels a bit uncomfortable. However, a few months ago I attended the funeral of a young man, 20 years old and a friend of my son’s. Sadly this bright young man died in a motorcycle accident. His funeral was held at the local ‘mega-church’ where he worked as a sound engineer. The service was truly a celebration of my son’s friend’s life and it was beautiful. The people that spoke at the service all knew the young man well. His funeral truly changed my opinion on what a funeral should be.


Yes I do, no worries there. I just wait and hold my breath for the moment I may burst into flames when I walk in the door. Lol. Though never happens 😉

Sacha Level 7 Jan 6, 2018

A church is just another building to me, except they do whacky things in them most of the time.


I do...out of love for my friends.


If that is where it is being held, yes.


Not a problem with me. As long as the facility do not start shaking and rumbling I take the boring ceremony as part of being in somebody's I like or love life.


Sure. Most of my friends are church members - some go often some seldom, but they all want church funerals and weddings for their children. I would not hurt their feeling by staying away and the parties after are always great fun.

PEGUS Level 5 Jan 6, 2018

Only if I care (cared) about the people involved.


Yes, to support friends and family. But it is uncomfortable, and I don't participate in prayers, religious rituals, etc.


I will go to both in churches but not partake in any rituals that make no sense. Such as raising for a prayer, etc.


Yes - though I feel uncomfortable doing so.

My feelings for the couple being married, or the individual being buried, over-ride my issues with faith.

That said, when prayers are said or hymms sung I stand with eyes open in silence - respect but not active participation.

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