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QUESTION Could the Force Really Be With Us? »

This was in my newsfeed from Richard Dawkins

ScienceBiker 8 Jan 6

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and his book is only £47.99. Just selling his book. I'd be more impressed if it were available free.


Sounds like some new age spirituality. My question is, how much of an influence is the religion of the article author and Eddington playing in these ideas?


I'll tell you this: if I had to choose (as in compelled) to choose between the God concept, the big dude out there, peering down, judging and condemning us, commanding and begging worship, and The Force, which as Obi Wan told us, is an energy source that connects all living things, that surrounds us, partially controls us and partially obeys our commands (something like that) then I'd take the Force. It's a more interesting idea, and who knows what Quantum Theory might find. Just for the record, I don't choose either for lack of evidence.


The force is with you always!.....surrounds us!.....binds us!......the rock!.....the tree! is everyehere!


I had heard there were many religious references to the movie. Ironically I pre-ordered tickets to see The Last Jedi in 3D some drive away. Had to cancel because of a snowstorm and have yet to exchange them.

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