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Would you rather have friends or fans?

EmeraldJewel 7 July 18

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Friends. Fans are only after you because of your fame. And fame brings with it lots of everyday issues, like not being able to do normal things without everyone getting on your case.

kinimd Level 2 July 18, 2018

It can be fun to have a number of casual acquaintences that you can just pal around with - you don't lose any sleep when they finally wander off the reservation....I suspect for most people - the number of true friends can be counted on one hand.


Friends for sure, but friends who stick around not just a friend or friends during good tines, Fans can be a tricky and obsessive thing, not recall having them or a Stalker lols


Friends...however I have very few that I would consider real ftiends


I have been fortunate enough to have both.

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