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LINK Liberal Redneck - Vlad n Donnie 2gether 4ever - YouTube

I love it. Burnt orange dipshit!! Yup. Ya'all

onlyduh 7 July 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I love this guy. Sometimes he can be a bit off base, but for the most part I think he has some great ideas.


Trae Crowder and the Well RED crew are on a US tour. Unfortunately the upcoming DC and Baltimore dates are sold out, but check the schedule for a venue near you!


I love this guy. He is hysterical. Of course now he is saying he "misspoke" when he used the word "would". I cannot believe that his followers are just fine with this stupidity. And now it looks like even Republican Congress will back down because now the orange asshole "explained his misspoken word"

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