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Are any of you going to celebrate Mardi gras?

It goes from the Holidays straight into Mardi Gras over here. Do you have it in your town?

BucketlistBob 8 Jan 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I'll show you my nipples if you give me a necklace!!


I have been to Mardi Gras once. I have never lived anywhere it was part of the culture


Not really a Canadian thing.

Betty Level 8 Jan 7, 2018

If it's not in New Orleans... it's not Mardi Gras to me...
Lived here (30 minutes north of NOLA) all my life and the krewes and parades seem to be ever expanding outward to neighboring communities...
They are just Mardi Gras wannabes... guess I am a purest in that sense.

Miss doubloons being the most prized throws... nowadays cheap ass beads... bleh!

Well I hear ya. We have a little something over here. People eat it up.

I would like a balcony in Rio


As in going to New Orleans? I used to celebrate MG when I was a child, in Buenos Aires.


@BucketlistBob I love custom parties.

I even went to a Nudist custom party.

@DUCHESSA. Whoa! Ild have to seriously loose some maybe 10 years ago I might say..maybe.

@BucketlistBob Nudism, my friend, has nothing to do with physical appearance.

@DUCHESSA. Well .... I don't understand. Would i be standing there naked?

@BucketlistBob You can dance....if you like. I was a bride; I had a crown made of flowers and a veil.
Nudism is the acceptance of the way you look.

@DUCHESSA. Oh oh.... you ever seen Fred Flintstone dance naked... lol.


In the past went to costume ball-no plans this year. Happy Mardi Gras!


As an introvert, I can't think of anything worse.

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