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LINK U.S. Senate Votes To Legalize Hemp After Decades-Long Ban Under Marijuana Prohibition

This is being shared with the wider community, with hopes that everyone agrees with this, not just the Legalize Marijuana group (to which many of us also belong). The history of the criminalization of the marijuana plant, and its hybrids and derivatives, is known to most of us. I know this is a "follow the money" topic as well, but we have to get there one of these days, and the states that have and are legalizing marijuana are off to a great start. Thoughts?

poetdi56 7 July 19

Enjoy being online again!

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The motivation to make money can sometimes lead to something positive.

100% agreed


I built eco houses and tried to grow hemp for construction. I was meet with a shotgun and told to get out of town by marijuana growers as they cross pollinate. I was in legal rights he was not, but there is the law of the jungle.

Basically it is legal in Canada now, the US Federal should grow up.


There are over 6,000 strains of the Hemp Plant & they are all good for the environment taking at least 4 1/2 time more CO2 from the air than any other plant on this Earth. You harvest the crop in 120 days meaning that in the Southern States you could get 2 crops per year. This is the Scared Plant that needs to be grown every way possible.

totally agree....

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