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I posted long ago (4/2017 we're talking trump time)on facebook that it was the gop/republicans propping trump up. Anyone with 2 functioning synapsis knew about trump. The Dems/Hillary did not do enough to counter the free media publicity trump received. The media also did not do enough to reveal to those on the fence who and what trump is. When trump kept blaming Obama for the 'mess' he inherited, the movie reference that came to mind regarding trump was Captain Commander Francis Queeg played by Humphey Bogart in the "Caine Mutiny". Trump has devolved and is indeed Fredo trump from "The Godfather". And finally we have "Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown".

silverotter11 9 Jan 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Well I still like how Captain Queeg melts in the chair in the inquiry on the Caine Mutiny. We Need To Take the Command of this boat away from him. Plain and simple... Is not the stealing of ice cream our main problem!!!


trump is the piece of shit that illegally won the election and he loves to play the blame game. He uses reality tv tactics to manipulate, lie and steal from the US Govt. He lets his Cabinet lie, cheat and steal from the US Govt as well. Most crooked administration ever!


I am a Bogie fan for sure...

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