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Are you a philosophical kind of thinking or feeling person?
Does it make a difference on the way you see life, and if you do then what is your personal philosophy or one that you follow?

Billyboyblue 2 Jan 8

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I've studied a lot of stuff and the only bit of advice that will always better your life if you do it or make it worse if not is.
'Don't poke the loonies with a stick'.


Well my personal philosophy is inclined towards the Tao, and that all the people you meet in life, have crossed ones path for a very real reason, to help encourage, or experience those deeper moments in life with, all teaching us something about ourselves and each other.
All on our journey's in life looking for that ultimate sense of meaning.


I live day to day. I don't make plans more than 2 months ahead.


I used to think things happened for a reason. One day at a time. Go with the flow. Adapt to change.


I think, and I feel. Don't we all to varying degrees? Some very emotional experiences have shaped my life, yet analytical thinking has as well... Also, one tends to get to know oneself better with age.


I'm philosophical. I'd say it makes a huge difference in how I see the world. I don't have a personal philosophy, though, at least not in some codified sense. I think about the things in my life in a fluid way, considering each event, action, decision, etc., on its own merits. In a general way I have some guiding principles, but those are things like continue to learn, don't harm others, live and let live, etc. But as for an ethical code or moral school of thought, I don't like to be that rigid, that religious about how I live.


I actually like the Hippocratic Oath, even though I'm not a doctor and parts of it don't apply to me.


You may quote me on this...or not..."Life is too important to be taken too seriously."


Go with the flow.

mzee Level 7 Jan 8, 2018
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