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What/s outside the universe. It can't end can it?

Srwsteven 4 Jan 8

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The scope of our understanding is finite so the question is irrelevant.


who cares you're not gonna see it !


My understanding of cosmology is that my understanding is woefully inadequate. 🙂 But, here's my shot at the concept: I think the working theory is that space over vast distances curves, yet seems linear to us. It's like a warp, so our perception is true and the curvature is true at the same time, in much the same way that gravitational fields can warp space around massive objects (such as the moon) yet light still travels in a straight line from the photons'. So, if we were to travel in any direction (assuming universal inflation were suspended and human existence were long enough to do this), we could continue in a straight path and arrive back at our starting point. The result is a universe that doesn't exactly go on forever, but also doesn't have an edge. The problem, conceptually, is that our perception is of a much smaller scale, so we can't really imagine the physical structure of the universe because nothing in our experience works like that — similar to how we don't have an intuitively sense of particle physics because things at that scale are also foreign to out understanding at out size. Where things get even more difficult for me to wrap my mind around is when we consider the possibility of neighboring universes in a multiverse scenario, because if our universe is self-contained with no edges then it's difficult to then think of there being something outside of our closed system. But that might be a problem only with us being a product of our universe, so we are bound by the physics of our universe and there could be different physics beyond our universe — so in essence the boundary of our universe isn't a wall but our own physical properties. Unfortunately, I think the multiverse view is more hypothetical than theoretical, and I'm vastly out of my already shallow depth once we start down that line of thinking. If anyone here has a better grasp of theoretical physics and cosmology, please feel free to jump in, correct any mistakes in my explanation, provide better examples, etc.


How can we comprehend that which we have no knowledge of.....yet?

What is an end to a universe? Do we crash into a wall like in The Truman Show? Do we punch through it to find more on the other side? How would we know if it ends or goes on? Would we have the means to break through?

Also, if there are other universes out there, could we just travel to one like we could travel from one land mass to another, or one planet to another? Would it require a different form of travel? Possibly an inter-dimensional form?


Brother thats farther then I want to think. I can't say.


The end of the universe is like the horizon, it keeps moving away. Part of why I don't believe in the big bang, the universe extends further than their calculations. I have so many concepts in my head on this one, sadly my brain is unable to succinctly explain them.


I thought it was infinite?


I read some where that they thought the multiverse was like a large collection of soccer balls not round but with the flat sides and each fit up against the other. but that was a long long many year ago read. would have to go do digging around.


I would love to know. Maybe they will think they see the end of the universe and say the universe is flat for a few hundred years, before they look again and figure out its round? 😉
I like to believe there has to be an end to it at some point and something beyond that?

Sacha Level 7 Jan 8, 2018

The problem is that we’re looking from the inside of a closed box. They know the universe is expanding, but it’s problematical even suggesting that there is an outside.


Of course it can end. What's outside the Universe? No one knows. It is possible there is more of the void from which it was formed. It is possible there are other universes out there. It is a fascinating question with no answer.


According to Star Wars and Star Trek I guess not.


At the moment no one knows what may or may not be beyond the universe. You can have fun speculating but until we know for sure and that won't be in my lifetime, it's a mystery. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Jan 8, 2018
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