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Has anyone else had one of those friends that expects god to provide for them yet won't make the effort to provide for themselves? I seem to collect these folks and it gets a little frustrating. I accept others right to believe whatever they choose, but if something's obviously not working for you then why continue in that behaviour?

Mankind63 4 Jan 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I've been married for 21 years to a wonderful Catholic woman but over that span of years she has become less and less Catholic. She hasn't gone to church for about 10 years. What you describe is the very reason that she has fallen away. She sees the hypocrisy of these folks and bitches about it and I love it.

gearl Level 8 Jan 9, 2018

Yeah, I've seen them. They go from church to church with that humble poor me story. I visited one of them and they had all kinds of donations that I had to work for and they got free. Awww hell... they had a good thing going for


Benjamin Franklin is famous for his quote "God helps those who help themselves".

What most people don't realize is that he was an atheist as satirist. I have often wondered if he wasn't poking fun at Christianity in a way they would not understand and love.
Was his actual intent to say "Get off your butt because God isn't going to do anything for you."? Did he get much pleasure out of the fact that Christians were actually quoting him?

Personally am very disturbed when people live their lives as if mythology was real. People whom do have flown airplanes into buildings, though thankfully most live moderate lives and are good neighbors. If I really do care about them I feel obligated to at least try to get them to ask questions about their beliefs for themselves.


I have a friend who just called me today. Why don't I call? I can't tell her she is extremely shallow as she brags about some private chef who comes to her home for dinner. She's constantly posting all this god stuff on FB praying for this and that without going out and getting a job to pay her bills. Tried explaining to her that Jeff Sessions wants to criminalize her legal cannabis program and she doesn't know or care about politics which could affect her life. We have been friends for over 25 years but I am on a different level these days.


I can't deal with those types of people. They have no place in my life.

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