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Some scientists think that the earth is experiencing a 6th mass extinction.

Is our species on the list?

atheist 8 Oct 13

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With the latest POTUS, he will be the cause of the 6th mass extinction.


Considering the number of species that have gone extinct over the last few hundred years, and the number of species now on the threatened and endangered lists, I would think that there is little doubt that we are in the midst of a mass extinction event. As for will our species be a part of the extinction is going to be a question that only the future will be able to answer. Perhaps the loss of individuals will be so great and the environmental pressures such that our species might evolve into something not recognisable by current members of the species.


I doubt it because of the fact of the resilience of our species: the more wide spread a species is and the more ecosystems it occupies the less likely it is to become extinct.

I hope you're working on alternative pollination methods...

Strangely enough the introduction of urban bee keeping may hold the key. Urban colonies perhaps because they are often only one hive separated by many blocks seem to not be as susceptible to colony collapse disorder.


Well, if we as a race become extinct, so be it. The earth won't care much.

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