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Who gets your vote for the best TV father?

You can choose from current TV fathers or from ones from the past. Some front runners might include Jim Anderson (Robert Young) from "Father Knows Best", Charles Ingalls (Michael Landon) from "Little House on the Prairie", and Dr. Alex Stone (Carl Betz) from "The Donna Reed Show".

RobLawrence 7 July 28

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34 comments (26 - 34)

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Blake Carrington would have been great to have as a dad....or J.R. "Jock" Ewing, Sr. or Chase Gioberti.
I would have settled for Philip Drummond or Philip Banks too.


Hal Wilkerson


Jax Teller (Charlie Hunnam).


I can't pick just one. Here's 5 that I can think of off the top of my head.

  • Howard Cunningham
  • Carl Winslow
  • Danny Tanner
  • Mike Brady
  • Cliff Huxtable

Walter Bishop, from Fringe....


Brian Williams

MsAl Level 8 July 28, 2018

I think with the reality of the time, Archie Bunker, because people actually related with him and his opinionated personality more than you think.

Archie was very funny, but I didn't like how he was unkind towards his daughter's polish-jewish boyfriend.

@DZhukovin you mean 'Meathead' ?

His daughter disagreed with almost all of his beliefs and he despised her father because? But I agree that racists abound in the U.S., people actually relate to the current president too.



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