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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."

Napoleon Bonaparte


twshield 8 Jan 10

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I think children is what keep the poor from murdering the rich. Its easier to avoid submissiveness when you have nothing to loose. Just my opinion.


Add to that Niccolò Machiavelli's philosophy that wars are created to control the growth of underclass (peasant) populations so that they don't revolt and overthrow the monarchy systems.


My reply about Manson was to the question about poor not murdering the rich because of religion. Now I'm reading all these posts about Manson. Has everyone here lost their sense of humor?


The fear in heirachary both wealthy and their minions used to control power. It can be replaced better with volunteerism.


Didn't Manson have a cross carved into his forehead? Didn't stop him from murdering lots of people. Did he get absolution? lol

@Wafflestomp oh please. In addition to stabbing bike drug dealer Lottsapoppa whom he thought he had killed until Lotts walked into the courtroom later, Manson is strongly suspected of other murders pre and post the murders of August 69. The fact that the authorities didn't pursue this is a reflection of the deal that concealed his wider connections including with government undercover activities, to their benefit, and the fact that he was going nowhere but gaol for the rest of his life, and knew it, so he took the deal. I do wish people would stop saying "Manson didn't kill anyone" just because he technically didn't kill on those 2 nights. Anyone who had read this subject in any detail, and I have thoroughly, knows this.

@steve148 yes, and Manson killed wealthy people, at least wealthy from his perspective. He also was responsible for the murders of non wealthy people. Anyone who annoyed him, basically.


Another thing religion ruins.

Best answer


Channeling my inner Robespierre I wondering if this is another good reason to get rid of religion. No, well of course we all believe in peaceful change. Which is fine except we know from history that a lot progress in the human condition has come about through insurrection, revolution and struggle. Personally I don't think that's over.

"Revolution is the opiate of the intellectuals" Raymond Aron


Nice quote, but I think it's too simplistic.


Well, you can't believe everything he said, he also said... "a soldier needs 8 hours of sleep, a woman 10 and an idiot 12. A genius needs 6 hours of sleep, I sleep 2 hours." the little guy said that.


divide and conquer


The poor are taught to learn their place in society-the lower masses.


There is, in my opinion, some truth to that. If the poor realized how much they've been taken I personally think that they would at least rise up and overthrow their oppressors. And Napoleon was right. Religion is part of how elements in society are controlled and deluded.


"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people".
Karl Marx

Marx said that religion was the opiate of the people. In the United States today, opiates are the religion of the people.Thomas Szasz

@ASTRALMAX I have no use for either.

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