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Any one found love here?

So I wonder, who is going to be the first couple to get engaged from! Anyone dating that met here, yet or anyone getting hitched that met here? Curious. Has love been found on this site? I mean, it is supposedly a dating site. Do you think you Could meet your soulmate at a site like this one?

Sadoi 7 Jan 11

Enjoy being online again!

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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I would be the least likely to answer that. Love found me. Somehow the universe made it happen. A woman pursued me. She plied me when I bummed cigarettes from her on breaks. She made me Swiss steak for dinner. We took a walk. I held her hand. And I am still here.

Niiice! Now THESE are the stories i LIKE to hear! Good for you!!! And congratulations!!


I reckon there's a better chance of it happening here than on any other site. There's one member I've taken a bit of a shine to, but early days yet. 🙂

Jnei Level 8 Jan 11, 2018

Bingo! Same for me. Early. But uncanny. I just... i hate romantic feelings or feelings of romance. I prefer to Not have interest in Anyone and usually im GREAT at accomplishing that! haha! I just hate distractions because I am so driven in my day to day life and I feel like romance clouds my thoughts. So instead, I choose to be alone. However, starting to feel the twitches of something... mild interst, its screwing my head up! haha! I dislike the way these feeling distract me and screw around my cerebral nature. But what can I do? Avoid it? lol ...hmm maybe... thinking


I think if two freethinkers met on here and fell in love, it would be a beautiful thing. I’m sure they would be happy together.

I agree! I came here simply to find some like minded friends as Romance is never a thing I think about... Ever... haha! I am a singleton and almost always pleased to be single. But, IF i did meet someone around here, then met them in person... and it worked out... Sure, why not? I am not looking, but if I happen to stumble upon someone of interest, I would say it is Kismet. I am not interested in anyone in my region, hence, I am now on line looking for people I can merely speak with and have decent convo and discourse over the state of the human condition. Oddly, I have met some people here, already, that have just... left me dumbfounded at how much we share in common, how similarly we are as people. I never thought much about internet romance. As a matter of fact, often I scoffed at it, but... I cannot deny some of the strange occurances going on around here between myself and a couple of others. Its making me... semi... dizzy because it isn't something I am used to, personally. I shun romance. My friends refer to me as the Vulcan/Librarian/Nun because of how much I avoid anything romantic. I run from love. LOL! I toss on my track shoes and i BOLT for the road if I start to develop feelings for anyone. Life can be easier alone, you see, but... I must admit, sometimes I yearn for companionship. I also know I am far too picky and its like a job trying to find anyone compatible so I refuse to do anything instead. But, around here... some strange things are happening and i cannot fight what I am seeing and it has been an organic process thus far. For now, I am just sitting back and watching the wheels (like john lennon). Only time will tell, but there are so many options here... its like a smorgasborg! haha! It sure can cloud a girls mind like myself... unemotional, all cerebral, but what the hell is going on here when I start to feel budding interest? It scares me! haha Mabye I will run again, instead. 😉


I'm pretty new here, so I haven't really dug into the romance piece of the pie as of yet. It didn't occur to me people were actually using it for that purpose until just's just say I'm looking around. It's pretty hard to know what's real online.

I couldnt agree with you more! Hence, by all means, look around, but shop carefully and make sure each package contains what is Claimed on the box front! 😉 Best advice i can share with you.


Thank you for all the responses. With this data, I can safely say my crush(es) here aren't that far off the mark then. 😉

Sadoi Level 7 Jan 11, 2018

It would be nice, but I think that before I suggest a relationship of that sort I'd like a number of good online interactions with someone and then I'd want more direct sorts of contact outside of the forum. That's mainly because as things stand, to have an in-person date would almost certainly involve some long-distance travel.

I've only been here a little while, and haven't had the depth of contact with anyone yet. I'm open to it, sure, and I see that there are a few connections like that which have been made.

If that doesn't happen, that's okay, because it's inherently pleasant to exchange thoughts with others with whom there is the non-religious angle on things in common.

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