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Trump and this agnostic site

Is it just me or is it a very high percentage of none believers don't like Trump at all? I can't stand him and never did and I don't even live there

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LeighShelton 8 Jan 11

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I don't think it really matters if you have faith or not, but more on how savvy you are of policy and just general rational discourse. He has his crazy evangelical followers for sure, but they also tend to be the most uninformed group when it comes to affairs.

Plenty of believers and non believer alike despise him because they keep informed and are still rational human beings that see how harmful his policies are to the well being of all. Aside from his very vocal supporters, this is a guy with a low 30 percent approval rating....which is embarrassing.

Most non believers have less of a reason to like him because of him and his parties appeals to further dominionist (sic?) ideals. Many believers are still secular and still hate him for all the right reasons. As an outsider looking in (from Canada), it really pains me to see the sad state the country is in because of this administration. I have plenty of family and friends down there and the whole ordeal just seems like one long and nauseating carnival ride.

people on here are much more against him on here than on Facebook and that's a fact.


The only nice thing I can say about him is how bad he makes the GOP look. He has the mental capacity of a 7th grade bully. Too much t.v.. Too much seeking of approval. Mocking those he views as weaker, which includes women thats sees as only objects. Makes me wonder what kind of person is hiding deep in his subconcious. A lot of skeletons in his closet for sure.


He's complete trash


I despise him! not like is too mild. Before he began his journey to feed his malignant narcissism by running for office I disliked him.

Most of my life in the US in New York City....could never understand how he became famous...hate the phucker.... #notmypresident

As my mama used to say, "Sorriest man whoever shat (sic) behind two shoes."

me too

seams free thinkers can spot a wanker. I love this site.

"Shat" is correct.

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