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QUESTION Genetics Rewrites the History of Early America—And, Maybe, the Field of Archaeology Read more:

Using demographic modeling, the researchers concluded that the founding population of Native Americans began splitting from their ancestors in East Asia around 36,000 years ago. By 25,000 years ago, they had made a complete split. By 20,000 years ago, another divergence had happened, this time between the Ancient Beringians and the rest of the Native Americans. And within the next 3,000 to 6,000 years, the Native Americans further divided into Northern and Southern groups.

zblaze 7 Jan 11

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The colonization date has steadily been moving backwards in the past 30 years or so. IMHO I think there's always going to be genetic "noise" in the data because Chuckchees, Aleuts, Lapps, and Samis were probably continuously mixing it up.

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