We owe much to her boldness. We would not have an "atheist movement" with out her. There would be no "New Atheist" or even memes. Her influence will not be fully appreciated for much time to come.....She must not have played much attention to the "shut up and your husband will explain it to you" part of the bible.....Thank God!
Sounds reasonable right? But look what happened to her.
Yes, religions have been cruel to women ... and to gays .... and to the poor, etc. etc. etc. I have taken cruel treatment from religious people and they are just a royal pain in the posterior. I feel rather lucky to live in Minneapolis, pretty liberal here. I could never survive in the Bible Belt.
Time has come to stop the hate. Lets use reason and vote the sob out by electing Dems in November-letting the House Dems start impeachment vs trump.