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QUESTION Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries - The Washington Journal

He said this after meeting with our prime minister of Norway. I am so embarrassed right now.

IndySent 7 Jan 11

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I agree with you and I had studied at Uppsala University in nearby Uppsala, Sweden! Trump makes me feel ashame to be an American! Where has the brains gone in America?


I can only imagine how embarassed you must be feeling, as an American in Norway. 😟


This man has no compassion, no tact and, doesn't realize that there is no incentive for people from Norway to move here permanently.

Duke Level 8 Jan 11, 2018

You're embarrassed? I'm only kidding, of course. Trump never ceases to amaze me with his toddler-like repertoire of public statements. This is sooooo embarrassing for us as well. At least Norway is still considered civilized lol. I doubt Trump's comments (the "shithole" part) reflect anything about his visit with the P.M. He likes to name-drop. Norway is way ahead of us in many areas, plus those gaps will spread even farther with this buffoon in office.


He is such a jackass! And I am fed up with the guy. I'm DONE! I want him out.

Even though I deeply oppose everything VP Pence stands for.


Why stop at bringing people from Norway? Let the U.S. also import Norway ' s wage structure, health care system and prison system! After all, we have learned from the 'highest' authority on the matter that Norway is not a shithole country, right?


Hmm, I thought this was going to be an article from The Onion. :/


I am ashamed we had so many people to vote for this guy.


You're embarrassed? I still live here with that orange hunk of garbage!


Just when you think it can't get any worse... he opens his mouth again.

His mouth is a shithole

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