I was six and in grade one when I realized that eventually I would die. That realization changed how I thought and my life. How old were you when you made that realization?
I was nine years old when my little brother died during heart surgery. Until then, I had thought about death, but I never really understood what it meant. We had talked about it, mostly because of my brother's illness, but it's a tough concept for a young mind to grasp.
It was when I was at his funeral, looking down at his body, that I really got a taste of what death was, and that we all died. But I also realized that age didn't matter. It wasn't just old people who died, anyone could die at any time.
Since that day death has occupied a huge part of my philosophical thinking.
A small child because of the deaths of family and my parents explaining it to me. I attended viewings at a very early age. I think I was five or six when my grandmother died.